vrijdag 17 mei 2024

Release Blitz ~ HOMESTEAD by Claire Kent


Claire Kent

Release Date: May 17


After losing the last remaining member of my family, I'm left all alone in a dangerous, uncivilized world. A twenty-three-year-old woman with no skills, no resources, and no protection can't make it on her own after Impact, so I'm forced to rely on the charity of strangers to survive.

My one chance of safety and security comes from an unexpected offer. Jimmy Carlson needs a partner. He wants help in his house and a woman in his bed, and he'd like that partner to be me. In return, I get a place to live, plenty of food, and the protection of a competent man and his larger community. It's a good deal, so of course I accept.

It means I have to live with a gruff, stoic man I barely know. All the new chores around the house are difficult enough, but they're not my biggest challenge. Because I'm now Jimmy's woman... whatever that means.

  Grab Your Copy here!       

Meet Claire Kent

Claire has been writing romance novels since she was twelve years old. After teaching English at the university level for several years, she started writing full-time under two different pen names. She lives in Virginia.

Her early books are sexy contemporary romances filled with heat and real emotion, but with the Hold series she transitioned to science fiction romance. Her current books are steamy post-apocalyptic romance set in the near future after a global catastrophe. They feature smart, resilient women trying to survive in a new chaotic world and falling in love with strong, gruff, taciturn men.

Claire also writes softer contemporary romances as Noelle Adams, and the best way to reach her is through her Noelle Adams email and social media accounts.

Connect with Claire Kent

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woensdag 15 mei 2024

Release Blitz ~ So Wrong by Abby Millsaps


So Wrong by Abby Millsaps is now live! 

No wrong moves.

Those were the words the first boy I ever loved whispered in my ear on graduation weekend.

Naively, I believed him. Now those three little words feel like a bad omen I can’t escape.

Every move I’ve made since I returned to South Chapel hurts my ex-boyfriend, Greedy. But it’s for his benefit. That’s what I tell myself. Intentionally hurting him is for the best.

It has to be. I said goodbye to the possibility of forever with him the moment my mom and his dad “introduced us” at their engagement dinner.

Three years have passed, but that doesn’t matter to Greedy. He’s hell-bent on making sure I remember it all.

On my darkest nights, the memories win. Since his bedroom is just two doors down, he’s the anchor I seek when it all feels like too much.

But now Greedy’s best friend is back in town, and he and I are “dating” to get his meddling mother off his back. Not only is Levi my new fake boyfriend, but he’s also our new roommate, too.

No wrong moves, Greedy assured me years ago.

What if there are no right moves either?

So Wrong is the first book in the Boys of South Chapel series. It is a steamy second chance, why choose romance. A full list of tropes and triggers can be found on the author’s website.

  Download today or read for FREE with Kindle Unlimited

Amazon: https://amzn.to/3SKDoVX

Amazon Worldwide: https://mybook.to/SoWrong

Add to Goodreads: https://bit.ly/3UsHAuF

Meet Abby

Abby Millsaps is an author and storyteller who's been obsessed with writing romance since middle school. In eighth grade, she failed to qualify for the Power of the Pen State Championships because all her submissions contained the same theme: young people falling in love. #LookAtHerNow

She's best known for writing unapologetically angsty romance that causes emotional damage for her readers. Abby prides herself in writing authentic characters while weaving mental health, chronic illness, and neurodiverse representation into the fabric of her stories.

Abby met her husband at a house party the summer before her freshman year of college. He had a secret pizza stashed in the trunk of his car that he was saving for a midnight snack--how was she supposed to resist that level of golden retriever energy and preparedness? When Abby isn't writing, she's reading, traveling, and raising her three daughters.


Connect with Abby

Website: www.authorabbymillsaps.com

Goodreads: www.goodreads.com/authorabbymillsaps

Amazon: https://amzn.to/3HVoK87

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorabbymillsaps/

Facebook Group: www.facebook.com/groups/abbysfulloutfiends

Instagram: www.instagram.com/abbymillsaps/

TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@authorabbymillsaps

Bookbub: www.bookbub.com/profile/abby-millsaps

Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/authorabbymillsaps/

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Cover Reveal ~ Primal by Alta Hensley

Alta Hensley has revealed the gorgeous cover for Primal!

Releasing: June 21, 2024

Cover Design: Emily Wittig Designs

The first time I meet him, he is the hunter and I am the prey.
The second time I see him, the reaper is knocking on my door.
The third time, I am told he will be my husband.
Every time we meet after that, I question if he will be my enemy or my lover.

He says he'll teach me the rules and consequences to this world of ours.
It's a dark place of give and most definitely take.
And as my future husband, he's supposed to protect me at all costs from the shadows that threaten my family.
But am I ever truly safe when I'm with him?

Or with them?

Masked men tasked to watch over me. Stalk me. Rarely leaving my side.
If he can't always be the hunter, he makes sure they can.

I may be able to run from one, secretly enjoying the primal chase.
But when there are three... 

Pre-order your copy today!

Amazon: https://amzn.to/3ygh9zf

Amazon Worldwide: https://mybook.to/PrimalAH

Add to Goodreads: https://bit.ly/3ycIUIW

Meet Alta

Alta Hensley is a USA TODAY bestselling author of hot, dark and dirty romance. She is also an Amazon Top 10 bestselling author. Being a multi-published author in the romance genre, Alta is known for her dark, gritty alpha heroes, sometimes sweet love stories, hot eroticism, and engaging tales of the constant struggle between dominance and submission.

She lives in Astoria, Oregon with her husband, two daughters, and an Australian Shepherd. When she isn't walking the coastline, and drinking beer in her favorite breweries, she is writing about villains who always get their love story and happily ever after.


Connect with Alta

Website: www.altahensley.com

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Alta-Hensley/e/B004G5A6LI

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AltaHensleyAuthor/

Instagram: https://instagram.com/altahensley

Twitter: https://twitter.com/AltaHensley

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@altahensley

Bookbub:  https://www.bookbub.com/authors/alta-hensley

dinsdag 14 mei 2024

Book Blitz ~ Riot by L. L. Ash & Pax Sinclair #Giveaway

L. L. Ash, Pax Sinclair
(Hard Rock Girls Series, #1)
Publication date: May 12th 2024
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

“He saved me in that group home when everything I’d ever loved was stripped away. He saved me with his smile, his kindness, and his guitar.”


I’m the leftovers that nobody wanted; a casualty of the foster system. Now that I’m 18, I have nowhere to go. No job, no home, but I have my bestie Haze by my side, and together we’re going to make it. I love music. Yeah, everybody says that, but I know I have what it takes. We’re going to find a way to reach the top. Kind of like Dakota, the front man for Kings of Ash, except not as a-hole-ish and muscley as him. Ugh, the muscles. We were in foster care together, me, Dakota, and Haze. That’s where I fell in love with him. But, he was older than me and got kicked out of the group home when I was only fifteen. The guy ripped my effing heart out as he walked out that door. It’s a shame, really. He’s the only person in the world who ever really understood my love and need for music. He saved me in that group home when everything I’d ever loved was stripped away. He saved me with his smile, his kindness, and with his guitar. Since then, Dakota has changed and hardened in more ways than one. I’ve been trying my best to avoid him, but our paths have crossed and now he’s back, famous and hotter than ever.


I gaze at Tayler for the last time while my mind repeats the same mantra: she’s your foster sister, you can’t be in love with her. But every part of me screams otherwise as I walk out of that group home. Aging out of the foster system at 18, I left behind a 15-year-old girl who knew I couldn’t stay. It broke her heart, but it’s better to be hated than to be in jail for loving her. Letting go of her was the toughest thing I’ve ever done, but I had to chase my music and put her behind me. Plenty of women came and went in my life, but none could fill the void that she left behind. It was always the music that drove me forward, pushing me to become a part of the punk Seattle music scene as the front man for Kings of Ash. Just when I thought I had moved on from Tayler for good, she blows back into my life–smoking hot and determined to make her mark. Even though she despises me for abandoning her all those years ago, I can’t help but admit to myself that I still want her. No, I don’t just want. I need.

Goodreads / Amazon


I fell in love with a girl who’s way too young for me, and now that I’m eighteen, she’s my ticket to jail if I ever tried following through with any of the twisted debauchery I really want to do.

When she’s eighteen though? All bets are fucking off.

When the song she’s singing for me is over, I listen to her husky, alto voice trail off and close my eyes. I can’t even explain what it does to me, other than it feels kind of the same as cool aloe over a sunburn. I can’t get enough of it.

The sun is setting and we’ve got to go inside. Dinner is over and curfew will set in pretty soon, so I walk her into the house and to the room she shares with Haze.

“Will I get to see you tomorrow before you leave?” she asks.

I shrug.

“I don’t know. I’ll be leaving pretty early. Got the first shift.”

She frowns, a lone tear sliding down her cheek.

“I’ll wake up early to say goodbye. I really want you to have this. So, when you’re lonely, you still have a little piece of me with you.”

Tayler presses her locket into my hand and my heart fucking breaks.

I can’t take it.

This piece of nickel and tin is her most precious possession in the world. The pictures inside are all she has left of her family after her asshole aunt sent her to rot in foster care while she took in her other, younger two siblings. I still can’t get that to make sense to me. What kind of a selfish prick would you have to be to abandon your niece because she’s ‘too old’ and take in her siblings because they’re, what, cuter? Easier to mold?

I’m angry for her.

It’s too late. She puts the locket in my hand and closes my fist around it, then pulls me in for another hug.

“I’m going to get a job so I can have a cell phone, then we can talk at night and stuff even if we can’t see each other every day.”

I nod, squeezing her hard because I know I won’t be able to see her much. Not often enough anyway.

I press a kiss to the top of her head and take in the generic scent of something chemically and fruity in her hair. She might smell like all the other girls in the place, but there’s something special about the scent on her.

She pulls back and looks me in the face.

“I love you,” she whispers.

I smile, even though those words mean something completely different to her than they do to me. She loves me like a brother, I love her like a woman.

“Take care, kid,” I tell her, unable to reciprocate the words through my suddenly swollen throat.

She nods, tears pooling in her eyes before they go crashing down her cheeks.

I need to leave her soon, or I won’t be able to at all.

Tearing myself away, I feel a legitimate piece of me going with her as I turn my back, heading straight to my shared room.

The next couple years are going to be some of the hardest of my life, waiting for her. Then again, which is harder, having her but not being able to have her, or not having her at all?

I lay on my bed for a few hours, watching time slip by, knowing she’s just in the other room. It would be so much easier to just curl up with her and spend my last hours cuddling, but I can’t. I fucking can’t!

Four o’clock approaches and I growl, giving up on sleep. Ain’t no rest for the wicked, they say.

I gather my duffel bag and the paperwork that my advocate gave me days ago, including my Social Security card and a birth certificate.

Holy shit, I’m on my own.

I heft my bag over my shoulder, positive that I won’t be able to last another goodbye with Tayler without breaking down and sobbing like a baby, telling her all the things I’m fucking scared of. I need to be strong for her and, right now, that means leaving.

Looking at the locket that I’d kept in my hand as I laid there, unable to sleep, I press a kiss to it the same way Tayler had so many times when she was missing her family more than usual.

With one last surge of strength, I drop the necklace on my pillow and turn, leaving it all behind.

My future awaits me, and as scary as it is, I have to face it head-on if I’m going to make something of myself. My parents fucked up their chance at life, but I’m not going to. I’m going to work hard, make a name for myself, and eventually, I’m going to be on a stage, playing and singing for tens of thousands of people.

First things first… I have to put one foot in front of the other, until I’m walking out of this group home’s front door forever.

Author Bio:

L.L. Ash is a Washington-born writer who has traveled and lived across the western coast of the US. Ash has been writing fiction since she was a pre-teen, and while her writing has improved since then, her love for literature has not changed.

Oftentimes you can find Ash reading an indie romance or enjoying a historical fiction. Dabbling in culinary arts and music, Ash has been an artist for decades but found her true love and passion in romances.

Author links:

Pax is a contemporary romance author who writes the kind of hot, twisty, drama-filled romances that she loves to read. Her novels are about biracial women in interracial relationships that will have you turning pages until the end.

Her current series, Love@work, takes you into the world of Silicon Valley’s billionaire tech moguls. These are powerful men and women who are driven by the changing landscape of business and their seductions in the bedroom.

Come along for a ride in Pax’s world, where it’s always steamy, captivating, and sometimes erotic.

Pax lives and works in Silicon Valley. She’s a California native.

Author links:

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